27 | 07 | 2012 || Summer Show 2012


SUMMER SHOW 27th/28th of July 2012


Friday, 27th of July, 11 am – 9 pm, Opening at 7pm


 "Summer Show Dance" with dj båssamé from Belgium (aka resident Samuel Vanderveken) from 9 pm

 Saturday, 28th of July 11 am - 8 pm

LIA, Spinnereistr. 7, hall 18, 2nd  floor


International Awardees:

Elisabeth Glaessner (USA, New York Academy of Art)

Noelle Timmons (USA, New York Academy of Art)

Robert Fundis (USA, New York Academy of Art)

Brian Dang (USA, New York Academy of Art)

Marit Dik (The Netherlands)

Marin de Jong (The Netherlands)

Samuel Vanderveken (Belgium)

Peter Rune Christiansen (Denmark)


You are cordially invited to our Summer Show presenting the international awardees

of the New York Academy of Art Elisabeth Glaessner, Noelle Timmons, Robert Fundis

und Brian Dang as well as LIAs Northern European residents Marit Dik, Samuel

Vanderveken und Peter Rune Christiansen. The works exhibited were created during

their stay in the artist residency LIA. Being all painters, the artists explore in different

ways their experience in Leipzig and in Germany.

The works exhibited were created during their stay in the artist residency LIA. Being

all painters, the artists explore in different ways their experience in Leipzig and in Germany.

Elisabeth Glaessner produces works based on invented stories that reflect on her

experiences and creates worlds where both the landscape and the figure set an

uncanny mood and communicate an ever-present hidden violence. Noelle Timmons`work

deals with illumination. Narratives depict people’s states of physical luminosity to bring

awareness to their mental disengagement. Robert Fundis is interested in the role of contemporary

figurative painting with all its multiple possibilities of techniques, materials and representational forms.

He treats the canvas like a sculptor and creates nuances and textures which are actually not

inherent in painting. Brian Dangs paintings reflect on the food industry as a whole, instead of

making art for consumption, he aims to produce art for thought. Marin de Jong´s recent work

focuses also  on moments in life in which people consume without awareness.


The Opening is on Friday, 27th of July at 7pm.

We would be delighted to welcome you.


We thank LIA main partner BMW, New York Academy of Art, the Department of Cultural

Affairs Leipzig and American Embassy Leipzig for their kind support.