16/17 | 03 | 2013 || TRANSITION Exhibition with 50 participants


                                                                                   16./17. March 2013 - TRANSITION


                                                                                    Saturday, 16.03.2013, 11am to 10pm

                                                                                      Sunday, 17.03.2013 11am to 4pm

                                                                                            Opening at Saturday,6pm



Transition is an exhibition of works on paper and artists’ books presented at LIA (Leipzig International Art Programme) in Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, parallel to the Leipzig Book Fair 2013. It is a show organized by Anna Louise Rolland and Majla Zeneli with the friendly collaboration of Manière Noire (Printmaking Studio and Gallery, Berlin) and guest artists. Each author was invited to participate with one large work or with a small series of works to illuminate a selected excerpt from her/ his art. The whole exhibition could be perceived as a screening of a changing process, as abstract works are set in dialogue with the figurative ones, and as conversations arise between the art works in an international context.

As Leipzig in spring always becomes a place where the reading of books is celebrated, the curators added an element beyond pictures to this exhibition. All invited artists were asked to contribute an open audio letter to the visitors, which is certain to open another door to their worlds. The replies from the artists came out to be very creative and individual: they were sent in the form of statements, stories, poetries, interviews, and even a soundtrack.

The word transition is seen as relevant to this multifaceted exhibition on many levels. Not in the least of these, this precious cabinet of works can be seen only for few days in Leipzig before its contents are separated and returned to their distant authors.



                                                 16. March 2013/ 7pm - READING, Thomas J. Hauck und José F.A. Oliver


B/B Multiples is happy to launch the artist book 'ESTROVO' with drawings by Thomas J. Hauck and a poem by José F.A.Oliver in the presence of the authors during the Leipzig Book fair on Saturday, March 16th 2013 at 7 pm at LIA, Spinnereistr.7, Leipzig.