5&11 | 09 | 2013 LIA SOLO Berlin; AIKA FURUKAWA


LIA SOLO BERLIN: AIKA FURUKAWA "Interlinking Moments", September 5 - 11


Opening: Thursday, 5th of September, 6 pm - 9 pm
Adress: Anna Louisa Karsch Straße 7, Berlin
Opening Hours:  September 6-11,  12 pm - 6 pm



In Aika Furukawa's Solo Show "Interlinking moments" will be shown works made during her one year stay in the residency LIA in Leipzig. The presentation of textiles is the main component of Furukawa’s work. In her paintings she explores the diverse form of drapery by randomly throwing cloth down. "Everyone changes clothes daily and throws it carelessly into a corner or puts it together neatly. This creates interesting compositions accidentally or intentionally."The presentation of the draping of fabrics and clothes is an important part of European art history. It does not only serve the exact temporal identification of art works, but also allows the painter or the sculptor to present his abilities.


We cordially thank LIA main partner BMW and the Japanese Agency for Cvultural Affairs for their kind support.