10/12-10-2014 Sadia Sadia Solo Show


Featuring premiere: ‘Fugue (Die Wende)’ 
Video Sound Installation by Sadia Sadia (UK/CAN), Darren Munce (AUS) und Stephen W Tayler (UK)


Opening 10th of October at 6pm in LIA


International artist Sadia Sadia has honoured her mother’s escape from the DDR with the filmed installation ’Fugue (Die Wende)’, as part of her solo show ‘Echoes and Ashes’, opening at LIA Leipziger Internationales Atelierprogramm, Halle 18 Spinnerei on October 10th, as part of the Leipzig Lichtfest 2014 Kulturparcours.

“As a child, my mother used to tell me about her escape. She said the first time, they had to turn back because it became too dangerous. The second time she went on her own. She said that she got so excited when she saw the border that she broke cover and ran down the road. She was seen and the guards shot at her twice. She said the third time, SADIA SADIA continued........

they shoot to kill, so she stood very still, was captured and went to jail. On the third attempt, she made it to the West.” “Without my mother’s courage, I would not be here, and it is an honour to be able to produce an installation for Leipzig Lichtfest 2014 Kulturparcours, to celebrate my mother’s journey, and the journies of all those who have brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall.”

The work, ‘Fugue (Die Wende)’, is a filmed installation about the removal of light. A film is made of two of the tall windows in the artists’ studio in the historic Leipzig Spinnerei artists’ complex, during bright daylight and with the light streaming through the windows. Each window is individually blacked out, one by one, by an anonymous ‘Everyman’ until only a single pane of glass remains. The two windows in the frame represent duality, the separation of two things which are the same, and yet apart, reflecting the division and then reunification of the country.

The work was executed in collaboration with LIA-artist Darren Munce, and is accompanied by an especially commissioned composition by the acclaimed sound designer, composer, and music mixer Stephen W Tayler (Suzanne Vega, Peter Gabriel, Underworld, Stevie Nicks, Milla Jovovich, Rush, Bob Geldof, Tina Turner, Kate Bush, et al).


Sadia began her career by becoming one of the first women in the world to be signed to a major label as a record producer. She is currently based at Real World Studios in Box,Wiltshire, UK. As an artist, Sadia is particularlily interested in what Joseph Campbell might call ‘the hero’s journey’, as well as metaphors of the collective unconscious. Sadia’s films and installations have been shown at the Cinémathèque Française, as well
as film festivals around the world, and among others form part of the permanent collection at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI).

Further information, please see the links below. Technical Information:
single-channel video installation, shown in two formats across two locations

Further Info:


Opening Hours: 11 and 12 October, 2 – 6 pm

LIA, Spinnerei Halle 18. 2 Stock and Halle 14 –Center for Contemporary Art, 1st floor