Kylie Manning





 geboren 1983 in Juneau, Alaska. Sie studierte Philosophie und Bildende Kunst am Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Jetzt bereitet sie ihren M.F.A. an der New York Academy of Art vor.


2010MFA from NYAA
2006B.A. from Mount Holyoke College
 Doppelbachelor in Bildender Kunst und Philosophie
Preise und Auszeichnungen
2007Individual Artist Grant, Equipment, Juneau Arts and Humanities Council.
2005Artist of the Year, Mount Holyoke College.
2004Fine Art Scholarship, Mount Holyoke College;
 Artist of the Year, Hunter College, NYC.
2003Artist of the Year, Hunter College, NYC.
2001Fine Art Scholarship, Juneau Arts and Humanities Council.
2008Solo Painting Exhibition and Video Installation, Juneau City Museum.
2007Painting Exhibition, Jaded;
 Solo Painting Exhibition, Heritage;
 Solo Painting and Video Installation, Juneau Arts and Humanities Council;
 Solo Abstract Landscape Exhibition, Two Crow Gallery.
2006Solo Studio Art Exhibition, Studio 154;
 Solo Cubist Figurative Painting Exhibition, MHC Gallery.
2005Solo Video Installation and Painting Exhibition, MHC Gallery;
 Solo Installation and Sculpture Exhibition, Chapin Gallery;
 Solo Sculpture Exhibition and Video Art Installation, Gamble Museum;
 Solo Sculpture Exhibition, The Moan and Dove;
 Solo Fine Art Exhibition, The Moan and Dove.
2004Solo Fine Art Exhibition, Thirsty Mind Gallery.
Beschäftigung und Praktika
2008Lehrtätigkeit, Ölmalerei, The Canvas, Non-Profit Art Center.
2007Lehrtätigkeit, Ölmalerei, The Canvas, Non-Profit Art Center;
 Lehrtätigkeit, Expressive Ölmalerei, Juneau Fine Arts Summer Camp;
 Lehrtätigkeit, Figuratives Aquarell, Juneau Douglas High .
2005Leitung und Design “In the Eclipse”.
2003Lehrtätigkeit, Bildende Kunst, Camp Jackson;
 Design Praktikum, Diane Von Furstenberg, NYC.