was a teacher for art, theater and german language and didactic leader at comprehensive school. Since 2005 she is an independent artist.
i Biography 2005 independent artist arttravels to france, italy and spain 2000 - 2005 teacher for art, theater and german language and didactic leader
at comprehensive school 1986 – 2005 scientific leader for art, music and design in schools of NRW at the Landesinstitut für Schule und Weiterbildung, Soest, Germany with curricular development, didactics of education and further training of teachers 1983 – 1985 traineeship 1983 final examinations in art and as a teacher for art and german language at the Wilhelmsuniversität Münster, Germany latest Individual Exhibitions 2009 “track of things” 2010 “hunt is open” latest Collective Exhibitions 2000 "flowers and insects" 2006 "nature" 2006 "a chair telling stories" 2007 "impressions of the city" latest Collective Performances 2001 "the bunny of Mr. Miró" 2002 "be happy!" 2003 "spring fever" |