19 | 11 | 2011 || 'HAPPINESS IS AN EXTREME EMOTION' - eine 12-stündige Kunstperformance


 'HAPPINESS IS AN EXTREME EMOTION' - eine 12-stündige Kunstperformance von Lottie Consalvo




copyright Lottie Consalvo


Samstag 19.11.2011, 10 bis 22 Uhr

Vor dem Netto Supermarkt

Kottbusser Damm 1 , 10967 Berlin (corner Planufer)




Happiness is an extreme emotion

Performance art by Lottie Consalvo (Australia)

... a 12hour public performance art piece in Berlin


This piece is being performed outside of a supermarket.

Thinking about food is apart of everyone's day-to-day lives. For many, so is sadness, anxiety, depression and thoughts of suicide.


This performance is dedicated to my beautiful sister Rachel Wright who committed suicide one year ago this weekend. I also dedicate this piece to the millions of people who are affected by sadness, depression, anxiety and suicide. Whether they live with it themselves or are close to someone who does. It affects everyone at some stage in his or her lives



Please join us as Lottie Consalvo performs for 12hours on Saturday. Come see the piece, be apart of the piece.


Lottie Consalvo is currently in the Leipzig International Art programme (LIA) www.liap.eu

See other performance pieces and artwork at www.lottieconsalvo.com, or see the most recent performance BLACK FEET directly at http://vimeo.com/31892243