copyright Lottie Consalvo
LIA gemeinnützige GmbH
Spinnereistraße 7, Halle 18, 2. Stock
01479 Leipzig
Freitag, 4. November 2011
Kunstperformance: Lottie Consalvo, 19 Uhr
Offene Ateliers: ab 18 Uhr
Performance art piece by Lottie Consalvo (Australia) sound by Tina Stefanou (from the band Planet Love Sound planetlovesound.com).
Black feet,
Black feet,
Empty reasons to rise with you today,
I’ve lost the bones that hit this stench away,
Tired of endless and endless of tired,
My face has gone,
My mind has gone,
My throat has gone,
My guts have gone,
My heart has gone,
I have no face for you or me,
I have black feet,
Black feet,
Black feet
– Lottie Consalvo