Peter Rune Cristiansen

Born 1978 in Aarhus, Denmark. Lives and works in Berlin. Influenced by theosophy, romanticism and fluxus Peter Rune Christiansen’s work decodes and creates new complex and unpredictable systems. Christiansen’s paintings can be seen as music scores or topographical landscapes that develop in vivid ways and contain deep layers of information in spite of their delicate appearance. Working also with electronic music and installation Christiansen forms a new suprematistic approach where vision, sound and mind create a complete whole.



Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark


Byhøjskolen Aarhus


 Selected Exhibitions:

2012 Solo, Damp Gallery, Denmark



Mixed Media_ Vol. 2, GALLERY B15, Copenhagen, DK.

In Case We Don't Die III, Helene Nyborg Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ceiling Decoration, Docken, Copenhagen, Denmark



Futuro, Helene Nyborg Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark (Solo)

Best of Wonderland Wonderland Art Space, Copenhagen, Denmark

Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg 2006-2009, Copenhagen City Hall, Copenhagen, Denmark

The HELLO Show Helene Nyborg Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark



Deformities of Speed Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Galerie Suty, Bordeaux, France (Solo)

Sound Made Visible Kunsthallen Brænderigården, Viborg, Denmark

 Arbejdsskadestyrelsen, Copenhagen, Denmark



Risø, Roskilde, Denmark (Solo)

Wonderland Art Space, Copenhagen, Denmark

Arbejdsskadestyrelsen, (Decoration) Copenhagen, Denmark



Oceanic Waves, Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland     

Stratigraphic Sequences Helene Nyborg Contemporary, Copenhagen, Denmark (Solo)

Ringsted Galleriet, Ringsted, Denmark (Solo)

DUNK gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Summershow Transit Gallery, Stavanger, Norway

Paaskeudstillingen Janusbygningen, Tistrup, Denmark

Abstract Curated by Anna Odell, Copenhagen, Denmark

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