Together for an open-minded society in Saxony

Appeal for donations

Dear friends

At a time when social tensions and polarization are increasing, it is more important than ever to build bridges between people. This is exactly what the non-profit organization LIA – Leipzig International Art program does.

Our aim is to promote international openness and dialog in Saxony. Through panel discussions with participants from all parts of society – regardless of origin, religion or political orientation – we create spaces for encounters, exchange and understanding. The simultaneous participation of five international artists from different cultures and their three-month presence at the LIAp are an important contribution to the further development of an open civil society and the freedom of art.

Our events bring together people who otherwise rarely get totalk to each other. Artists, politicians, activists, academics andcitizens discuss current issues and challenges on an equal foot-ing. The aim is not just to hear different opinions, but to worktogether to develop solutions that will keep our society together.

However, the success of our work depends on the support of people like you. Every donation – regardless of the amount – helps us to organize further panel discussions and support our publications, therefore strengthen civil society in Saxony.

Your donation helps to break down prejudices and promote intercultural dialog. You help us to bring people together who want to work together on an open and tolerant future for Saxony. Because only through exchange can we build bridges and promote peaceful coexistence.

Support us now and make a valuable contribution to a cosmopolitan society based on solidarity.

Together we can achieve a lot!

Panel discussion during Winter Gallery Tour 2024, photo: Walther Le Kon

Panel discussion during Winter Gallery Tour 2024, photo: Walther Le Kon

Donation account

LIAp gGmbH, Anna-Louise Rolland
Deutsche Bank Leipzig
IBAN: DE61 8607 0024 0139 8916 00
Usage: Spende LIA

Anna-Louise Rolland