For visual artists from Ho-Chi-Minh City
– Ecologies of water –
March – April 2024

The sister city partnership exchange between Ho chi Minh City and Watercity Leipzig is intending a five year long project, a bilateral exchange focusing on the topic: Ecologies of Water. Institutions in Ho Chi Minh City will cooperate with LIA-Leipzig International Art Programme ( Both are inviting proposals from visual artists based in either one of the cooperating cities for a residency abroad. LIA will offer a six week residency in Ho Chi Minh City in summer, the call to be published soon, and will offer a two months residency in Leipzig. Debating on the importance of cooperation between the artistic, scientific, and technologic spheres for the preservation and regeneration of ecosystems, the artistic practice by each fellow should particularly focus on aquatic environments—which are critical for the survival of human beings and other species. There is the wish to use this first exchange as a starting point for a sustainable bilateral exchange between the two partner cities maybe resulting in an exhibition and symposium in a public Leipzig institution in the near future. Promoting interdisciplinary dialogue, offering time for reflection, research, practice, and professional networking opportunities are the key elements of this bilateral exchange.
For more information click here.
Project partners: