Term: March-May 2021 www.instagram.com/bogdankstati/ Bohdan Sokur is a contemporary figurative painter and he focus on various formal aspects of art. He explores categories of place and time by capturing personal memories. Details of everyday life and surroundings objects connected…Continue readingBohdan Sokur
Category: General
Term: March-June 2021 www.orawanarunrak.com Born in 1985, Bangkok, Thailand Lives and works between Bangkok and Berlin Orawan Arunrak’s work is largely inspired by her everyday life. Using tools like pencils, pens, paper, but also photography and the internet, she creates…Continue readingOrawan Arunrak
Exhibition SILENT STREET of works by Japanese and Leipzig artists in Leipzig and cultural programme on 23rd April 2021 by invitation only. The jubilee celebrations at LIA in cooperation with the Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung, the Mendelssohn Haus Leipzig and the…Continue reading160 years jubilee of Japanese German negotiations 2021
Due to the pandemic and international travel restrictions, LIA opens up to also German applicants for short term studio applications. What are the requirements? please send a short text, no more than half a DIN A4 page about your motivation…Continue readingOPEN CALL – Studio available
10 Years Herzliya-Leipzig Sister City Partnership Für Künstler*innen mit Hintergrund aus Herzliya oder die in Herzliya arbeiten und leben. Atelierstipendium für ein 1-Monat ufenthalt im LIA Zeitraum: 1. bis 31. März 2021 Download Ausschreibung Das Atelierstipendium umfasst: Das Stipendium beinhaltet…Continue readingOpen Call für Herzliya – Leipzig
The artist-scholarship Nordic-Leipzig, given by the Goethe-Institut, is again awarded in 2021. For the third time, the Goethe-Institut and LIA Leipzig International Art Programme organised a scholarship for artists from the Nordic region, this time for the countries of artists…Continue readingAnnouncement of the Nordic-Leipzig scholarship winners
Die Sprache Radierung [masterslider id=”60″] Während in den 1960er-Jahren im Outpost Theater in Westberlin die amerikanische Nationalhymne vor Hollywoodaufführungen gesungen wurde, erklang im zweihundert Kilometer entfernten Leipzig höchstens die „Internationale“. Ein kultureller Austausch mit den Vereinigten Staaten war erst nach…Continue readingNew York-Leipzig
The Language of Etching [masterslider id=”60″] While the American National Anthem was being sung in the 1960s in the Outpost Theater in West Berlin before they showed Hollywood movies, two hundred kilometers away in Leipzig you could hear the “Internationale.”…Continue readingNew York-Leipzig
However, Corona taking place life in LIA stays full of vibrance. We would like you to get a glimpse into past projects, cooperations within and outside the art world, and show you what has been done in the LIA studios.…Continue readingGet a Glimpse
Here is a video of our former artist in residence Mitja Fiko :Continue readingVideo : Mitja Fiko