Ana Sluga

Geboren 1981 in Ljubljana, Slowenien

1987-1995 Primary school of Heroj Janez Hribar, Stari trg pri Lozu, south part of Slovenia.
1995-1999 High school of photography and design, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
1999-2004 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (department of painting)
2004 Graduation.
2004-2005 Postgraduate study – master of painting, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2005-2006 Postgraduate study – master of photography, Academy of Fine Arts (Kunstiakadeemia Tallinn), Tallinn, Estonia.
2008 Title of master.

Auszeichnungen & Preise
1998 First award on design competition Kerrock, Slovenia.
1998 First award on painting competition of young artist, Skopie, Macedonia.
1998 National Zois scholarship for talented students.
2001 Award for creativeness on painting competition Ita Rina, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana-Divaca, Slovenia.
2003 First award on XIV colony of students of the last year of Academy of fine arts, Velenje, Slovenia.
2007 Second award on Essl Award for central and southeast Europe, Ljubljana – Wiena, Slovenia – Austria.
2010 First Award on International exhibition of video art, Gallery Velenje, Velenje, Slovenia.
2011 Scholarship for independent artists, Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2015 Highest Artistic Title of the University of Ljubljana.

2007 Eco – Ego, Gallery Celica, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2008 Slow Touch, Tallinn City Gallery (Linnagalerii), Tallinn, Estonia.
2009 Reminder II, Gallery Equrna, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2009 Eco-Ego, Gallery FDV, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2010 Ana Sluga, Gallery Mizzart, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2011 Familiar, Gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2011 Ana Sluga, Miklova hisa, Ribnica, Slovenia.
2011 Still Life, Gallery Vžigalica, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2012 A day off, Gallery Đ. J., Belgrade, Serbia.
2013 Ana Sluga- Marjan Gumilar, City Gallery Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
2013 Transfer, Gallery Loža, Koper, Slovenia.
2014 Transfer, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2015 Album, Bežigrajska Gallery I, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2003 Festival of computer art, Maribor, Slovenia.
2003 ALUO, Gallery Velenje, Slovenia.
2003 ALUO, Peterokraki stolp, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2003 Interview with Robert Morris, Art Words, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2004 Exhibition of students of Academy of Fine Arts, Gallery Murska Sobota, Slovenia.
2005 Postgarduate students, Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, Estonia.
2006 Generation XX, Slowenishes Wissenschaftsinstitut, Vienna, Austria.
2006 Generation XX, Miklova hiša, Ribnica, Slovenia.
2006 Bienal of a picture of a small format, Ljutomer, Slovenia.
2007 Emzin-Photography of the year 2007, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2007 Essl award for Central and Southeast Europe, Exhibition of nominees of Essl Award 2007, National gallery, Ljubljana.
2007 Essl Award for Central and Southeast Europe, Exhibition of winners of Essl Award, Essl Museum- Kunst der Gegenwart, Klosterneuburg-Vienna, Austria
2008 Emzin-Photography of the year 2008, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2008 Essl Award, Exhibition of winners of Essl Award, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, Germany.
2008 Video festival Fragil, Loop art fair, Barcelona, Spain.
2008 Fragil, (Jeune creation video en Europe), Carre Bonnat, Bayonne, France.
2009 Quoting Contemporariness ( Contemporary Slovenian art ), Universal Cube, Leipzig, Germany.
2009 Weinklang Festival, Jubileum, Lackenbach castle, Austria.
2009 Limited Access II, video, sound and performance, (Parkingallery in collaboration with Azad Art Gallery and, Iran.
2009 20 years later, Gallery Velenje, Slovenia.
2010 Natures 7, Festival of computer and video art, Bežigrajska Gallery II, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2010 international exhibition of video art, ( Človek –osebnost, telo ), ( Award ) Gallery Velenje, Velenje, Slovenia.
2010 Figure in postmedia art, Gallery ArsIn, Slovenia.
2010 Portrait in contemporary art, Gallery Velenje, Velenje, Slovenia.
2011 Collector’s Item, City Gallery Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
2011 Emzin-Photography of the year 2011, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2011 An exchange with Sol LeWitt, Mass Moca, New York, USA.
2011 Krog v podobi, Bežigrajska gallery II, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2011 Soiree Video Art, Le Nouveau Latina, Paris, France.
2011 It’s a Woman’s World of Photography, Gallery Rika Debenjaka, Kanal, Slovenia.
2012 Natures 9, Festival of computer and video art, Bežigrajska Gallery II, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2012 Video event, CCC, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
2013 Expatrioti-Vse svoje nosim s seboj, Miklova hisa, Ribnica, Slovenia.
2014 Contemporary Slovenian Painting, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2014 Contemporaty Slovenian Painting, City Gallery Piran, Slovenia.
2014 From privat collections, Galerija Miklova hiša, Ribnica, Slovenia.
2014 Industrijski pejsaž ( SCCA ), Zagreb museum of Contemporary art ( MSU ), Zagreb, Croatia.
2015 Slikarstvo od OHO-ja do Tine Dobrajc, Gallery Equrna, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2015 Faszination FOTOGRAFIE, Essl Museum- Kunst der Gegenwart, Klosterneuburg-Vienna, Austria.
2015 Le jour le plus court, Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2016 Crises and new beginnings | Art in Slovenia 2005–2015, Krize in novi začetki: umetnost v Sloveniji 2005–2015, Museum of Contemporary art, Metelkova ( MSUM ), Ljubljana Slovenia.