Hannah Murgatroyd

geboren 1976, sie absolvierte 2005/2006 ein weiterführendes Jahr an der Prince’s Drawing School in London, 2003 bis 2005 einen Master in Kommunikationskunst und –design am Royal College of Art in London und 1996 bis 1999 einen Bachelor in Illustration (1st) an der Universität von Brighton. Zurzeit lebt sie in London und Berlin.

Ausgewählte Ausstellungen
Jerwood Drawing Prize Exhibition, London, 2008
Group Drawing Show, Prince’s Drawing School, London, 2008
Hidden, Royal College of Art, London, 2007
Appetite for Decoration, Group Show, Terrace, London, 2007
Drawing Show, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, 2007
Graduate Show, Prince’s Drawing School, London, 2006
Like Nowhere Else, Graduate Show, Royal College of Art, London, 2005
Welcome To Parallelville, Permanent Gallery, Brighton, 2004
Watching the World With the Sound Turned Down, Permanent Gallery, Brighton, 2003

Drawing Prize, Graduate Show, Prince’s Drawing School, Sept 2006
Prize for Drawing Excellence, Prince’s Drawing School, June 2006
1st, Man Group Drawing Prize, Royal College of Art, March 2005
3rd, Man Group Drawing Prize, Royal College of Art, March 2004

Work held in the collections of the Royal College of Art, HRH The Prince of Wales, British Council, Bank of America and many private collections.

Ausgewählte Publikationen
Interview with David Shrigley, Exberliner, Berlin, Nov 2007
How To Draw, A&C Black, London, 2006
My Room, Exhibition Catalogue, Sophienholm, Denmark, 2005
Le Gun 1 & 2, Le Gun Publishing, London 2004 & 2005